Preserve Memories In Family Reunion Shirts

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Planning For Your Family Reunion: Shirts, Venues, Activities…

“Our most treasured heirlooms are the memories of our family.”

The New Year is a perfect time to start planning your summer family reunion. Reunions are special because oftentimes it’s the only opportunity busy extended families get to reconnect. Planning for the big event takes resourcefulness, time, and energy. So best to begin now!

“Family is everything…”

The earlier you begin preparations for your get together the better. First, a list of addresses of all of your clan is needed so you can make contact. Then you will need to select a venue. You will discover better selections of locations are available the earlier you begin. When choosing a location, be mindful of the different budgets of your family members. Similarly, when considering a place try to pick one that is as central as possible. In addition, lodging for out-of-town relatives is a necessity.

The 2016 McElroy Family Reunion sporting family reunion shirts
The McElroys sporting their family reunion shirts.

After you select your location and date, a caterer and theme for your reunion are the next steps. Then, you will need to rent the appropriate equipment, make signs for parking, plan activities, entertainment, and competitions. Keep in mind the various age groups that will be in attendance. You can certainly find many ideas for family fun on the internet. Don’t take on all of the tasks by yourself. Spread out the jobs among your family members. I’m sure you’ve heard the idiom, many hands make light work. It’s true! Most family members are delighted to help out in any way they can and that makes your life simpler.

You’ll want to memorialize your special day. Personalizing the day with family reunion shirts is a great reminder of those special moments with your family. Take family photographs in your personalized family reunion shirts for a family photo album that will be cherished for years. Capture individual families as well as the entire group for photographs signifying your fun-filled day!

“The best thing about memories is making them…”

Don’t get too caught up in making sure everything is perfect. Sometimes things don’t end up going as planned, and that’s ok. Remember the most important part of gathering with your clan is the memories you will make. Have fun and happy planning!

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