National Random Acts Of Kindness Day – Spread Positivity

National Random Acts Of Kindness Day

acts-of-kindness_o_2175695“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” (Aesop)

 Today is National Random Acts of Kindness Day. However, acts of kindness should not be limited to one day each year.

Here are a few ideas that may inspire you to spread good will:

  • Write someone a note and tell them how awesome they are.
  • Tell someone they are special to you.
  • Pay for someone’s coffee.
  • Shovel your neighbor’s sidewalk.
  • Cook a meal for new parents.
  • Provide a listening ear to someone who needs to be heard.
  • Invite a college student for dinner.
  • Run errands for an elderly person or young family.
  • Smile at passerbys.
  • Donate food to a pet shelter, volunteer to walk the dogs, or pet the animals.
  • Take canned goods to the local food pantry.
  • Write a thank you letter to a serviceman or woman.
  • Thank a teacher with a note or classroom supplies.
  • Call or visit a shut-in.
  • Have pizza delivered to a busy family.
  • Take flowers to nursing staff.
  • Read to or visit residents at a nursing home.
  • Thank someone who made a difference in your life.
  • Ask someone how they are doing and really listen.
  • Donate unused clothing to charity.
  • Leave your waitstaff a large tip.
  • Plant a tree.
  • Thank your boss for your job.
  • Give other parents a pat on the back.
  • Give someone the benefit of the doubt.
  • Be kind to yourself too!

Spread positivity everywhere you go, it’s contagious!

Did you make someone’s day a little brighter with an act of kindness? Were you surprised by someone’s generosity toward you? Tell us about it.

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