Weekends With InkPixi Employees

Meet Ryan, Matt, and Brett, three of InkPixi’s elite crew. By day they are the Controller, Product Manager, and Accountant at InkPixi. At night they train hard, and on weekends they crush even the most difficult of races! Teamwork is what it’s all about in the Kinzu Country Tango Adventure Race and this crew nailed it.
Ryan, Matt, and Brett displaying their 3rd place award in the Corporate Division at the 2019 Kinzu Country Tango Adventure Race in Warren, PA. The race consisted of a half marathon, 20-mile bike ride, 2.2-mile swim, 7+ mile two-person orienteering, 3.6-mile trail run, and 7-mile two-person canoe. The team also placed 10th place overall.
The Details on this Trio:
Ryan, who completed the bike and canoe portions of the race, is an experienced cyclist, who logs an average of 5,000 miles per year. In addition, he had the 3rd fastest time overall in the bike leg of the 2019 Kinzua Country Tango Adventure Race. He and his wife, Rachel, have a beautiful 9-month-old daughter named Raelynn. Ryan graduated from Slippery Rock University with a bachelor’s degree in Accounting and a minor in Information Systems. He has worked At InkPixi for ten years and is the Controller.
Matt, the team captain and organizer, was a late entry into the race due to an injury from another participant. Along with his wife Becky, an experienced triathlete and half Iron Man finisher, they completed the orienteering part of the relay. Matt is the Product Manager at InkPixi.
Brett, who completed the swim and trail run portions of the race, swims and runs regularly. He swam on the varsity swim team at Hempfield Area High School and Grove City College, and he now coaches young swimmers at the local YMCA. While running was never his strong suit, Brett picked up the activity after graduating college and even ran the Pittsburgh Marathon of 2019. He trains with his handsome young dog, Boba, who loves to go on trail runs. Brett is the General Ledger Accountant for InkPixi and Earth Sun Moon Trading Company, with some modeling on the side.
To learn more about this annual adventure race, check out Warren YMCA’s Facebook page.

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